Pollution risk from the discharge of industrial waste or accidental spills during transportation poses a considerable threat to the security of rivers. The ability to quickly identify the pollution source is extremely important to enable emergency disposal of pollutants. This study proposes a new approach for point source identification of sudden water pollution in rivers, which aims to determine where (source location), when (release time) and how much pollutant (released mass) was introduced into the river. Based on the backward probability method (BPM) and the linear regression model (LR), the proposed LR-BPM converts the ill-posed problem of source identification into an optimization model, which is solved using a Differential Evolution Algorithm (DEA). The decoupled parameters of released mass are not dependent on prior information, which improves the identification efficiency. A hypothetical case study with a different number of pollution sources was conducted to test the proposed approach, and the largest relative errors for identified location, release time, and released mass in all tests were not greater than 10%. Uncertainty in the LR-BPM is mainly due to a problem with model equifinality, but averaging the results of repeated tests greatly reduces errors. Furthermore, increasing the gauging sections further improves identification results. A real-world case study examines the applicability of the LR-BPM in practice, where it is demonstrated to be more accurate and time-saving than two existing approaches, Bayesian-MCMC and basic DEA.
Keywords: Backward probability method; Linear regression; Multi-point pollution source identification; Parameter decoupling; River.
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