Identification of a New Candidate Locus for Ebstein Anomaly in 1p36.2

Mol Syndromol. 2018 May;9(3):164-169. doi: 10.1159/000488820. Epub 2018 Apr 28.


Ebstein anomaly (EA) is a rare congenital heart defect (CHD) with a poorly characterized genetic etiology. However, some EA patients carry deletions in 1p36, all of which have been reported to carry distal deletions and share loss of the PRDM16 gene, which is currently considered the most likely candidate for EA development in this region. Here, we report a patient with an 11.96-Mb proximal 1p36 deletion, without loss of PRDM16, who presented with EA and a proximal deletion phenotype. This finding suggests that PRDM16 loss is not required for the development of EA in 1p36 deletions and that the loss of an additional proximal locus in 1p36 is also likely associated with EA. Our data suggest that a distal locus containing the SKI gene and a proximal locus containing the CHD-associated genes RERE and UBE4B are the most probable etiological factors for EA in patients with 1p36 deletion syndrome.

Keywords: 1p36 deletion syndrome; Ebstein anomaly; PRDM16; RERE; SKI; UBE4B.