Purpose: We evaluated the efficacy of new flavonoids mixture (diosmin, troxerutin, rutin, hesperidin, quercetin) to reduce bleeding from I-III degrees hemorrhoidal disease in the short and medium time.
Methods: One hundred fifty-four consecutive patients with hemorrhoidal disease recruited in four colorectal units were enrolled to the study. Exclusion criteria were allergy to the flavonoids, inflammatory bowel disease, obstructed defecation syndrome, pregnancy and puerperium, associated anal disease or hemorrhoidal thrombosis, proctologic surgical procedures within 1 year before recruitment, contemporary cancer or HIV, previous pelvic radiotherapy, patients receiving oral anticoagulant therapy, or contemporary administration of other therapy for hemorrhoids. Patients with inability to understand the study or mental disorders were also excluded.
Results: Seventy-eight were randomized to receive the mixture of diosmin, troxerutin, rutin, hesperidin, and quercetin (study group, SG), and 76 a mixture of diosmin in combination with hesperidin, diosmetin, isoroifolin, and linarin in purified micronized fraction (control group, CG). Bleeding, number of pathological piles, and Golligher's grade were assessed at each scheduled visit and compared using the Chi-square test. During the study period, bleeding improved after 1 and 6 months both in the SG (79.5 and 70.5%) and in the CG (80.2 and 75%) without significant differences between two groups. Satisfaction degree after 6 months was greater in the patients of the SG (4.05) towards the CG (3.25): this result was statistical significant (p 0.003).
Conclusions: Use of flavonoids mixture (diosmin, troxerutin, rutin, hesperidin, quercetin) is a safe and effective mean of managing bleeding from hemorrhoidal disease and minimal adverse events are reported.
Keywords: Anal bleeding; Flavonoids; Hemorrhoids; Therapy.