Homer's syndrome (HS) is based on dysfunction of symphathetic nervous system at the cervical canal. The signs of the syndrome occur on the same side as the lesion of the sympathetic trunk and include: a constricted pupil, a weak-droopy eyelid, apparent decreased sweating, and with or without inset eyeball. HS has been observed as a rare complication of epidural anaesthesia in obstetrics during labour or cesarean section. In parturients, it warrants further investigation as other serious causes must be excluded, such as pancoast tumours, thoracic aortic aneurysms, carotid dissection, neuroblastoma, and brainstem vascular malformation. Management involves early diagnosis of the underlying benign condition while treatment is based on appropriate conservative observation, as most often the syndrome resolves spontaneously. However in very rare cases immediate medical or surgical management is needed.