Background The osteoplastic flap provides access to pathology of the frontal sinus and is often performed with obliteration, which can result in significant long-term complications. Objective To describe the authors' approach to osteoplastic flap without obliteration. Methods Descriptive analysis. Results Osteoplastic flap without obliteration preserves frontal sinus function while permitting direct access to the frontal sinus. In this study, we demonstrate a combined nonobliterated approach, accessing the frontal sinus with a Draf III approach to remove a large frontal sinus osteoma. Conclusion The approach provides excellent exposure for large tumors not otherwise accessible via purely endoscopic procedures, permits improved surveillance, and minimizes long-term complications of obliterated sinuses.
Keywords: Draf 3; Draf III; osteoma; osteoplastic flap; osteoplastic flap without obliteration; outside-in.