Accumulating evidence indicates that γδ T cells are a critical component of type-2 immunity. However, the role of these cells in type-2 immune responses seems to be divergent. γδ T cells are heterogeneous lymphocytes that can be further divided into TCR-Vγ/δ definable subsets. Different subsets have distinct and sometimes opposite function during immune responses. In this chapter, we describe the detailed protocol for characterization of γδ T cell subsets in a mouse model of ovalbumin (OVA)/alum-induced type-2 immunity. Our protocol includes identifying γδ T cell subsets by flow cytometry, functionally inactivating individual subsets in vivo, purifying γδ T cell subsets, and using adoptive cell transfer to explore the role of individual subsets in OVA/alum-induced IgE responses.
Keywords: Adoptive cell transfer; Flow cytometry; IgE; OVA/alum; Subsets; TCR-Vγ/δ; Type-2 immunity; γδ T cells.