Background: Anxiety control has been one of the key factors that shows that success of a pediatric dental practice. Animal- Aassisted therapy has shown to have many health benefits, which has brought the animal species closer to our homes with an establishment of a relationship.
Aims and objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare a Anxiety levels of patients scheduled to visit a Private private Ppediatric dDental Hhealth- Ccare Ffacility in Chennai and Ccompare the levels when exposed to animal-assisted activityAAA at the waiting area and in the oOperating area. This study being a first of its kind in the Dental dental Environment environment consisted of 20 children (9 Malemales, 11 Femalefemales), aged 4--11 years, attending a private dental care facility in Chennai.
Results: Results showed that a 15- min exposure in the waiting area has reduced the level of anxiety and also showed no increase in anxiety among the subjectsparticipants.
Conclusion: Thus, Pet pet Ttherapy has shown to be a promising method of Anxiety anxiety control, a key to a successful dental practice.
Keywords: Animal-assisted therapies; Test Anxiety Scale; anxiety; dental anxiety; pet therapy.