Using a series of techniques to identify and deplete various peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations, we studied the cytotoxic reactivity of normal individuals against the myeloid cell line K-562 in a 4-hr 51chromium-release assay. Depletion of lymphocytes bearing complement receptors had a variable, usually negligible effect on cytotoxicity. In contrast, depletion of lymphocytes bearing Fc receptors abrogated target cell lysis. Separation of lymphocytes with high-affinity binding of sheep red blood cells (SRBC) evidenced by rosette formation at 29 degrees C yielded a population of rosette-forming cells containing few cytotoxic cells, whereas separation of total E-RFC under optimal rosetting conditions produced a rosette fraction containing a major proportion of the effector cells. These data indicate that the cytotoxic lymphocyte in this system is Fc receptor positive, largely complement receptor negative, and may possess low density or low affinity receptors for SRBC.