Purpose: To study the use of autologous platelet lysate prepared in a standardized method for the healing of persistent corneal epithelial defects (PED).
Study design: Clinical and experimental investigation.
Methods: In this prospective pilot study (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT02979912), ten patients with a PED duration of a minimum 14 days were included. Autologous platelet lysate was prepared in a standardized methodology. Repeated freeze-thaw cycles were used to lyse the platelets. Patients were advised to apply the eye drops four times a day and were evaluated at baseline and on days 7, 14, 21, 28.
Results: No adverse events were reported due to the use of undiluted autologous platelet lysate. A total of 70% of patients had complete re-epithelialization within 28 days. Of these, 40% healed within 14 days (effective group) and 30% within 28 days (partially effective group).
Conclusions: Undiluted autologous platelet lysate, prepared according to a standardized methodology, is a safe and effective adjunct therapy for the treatment of PED.
Keywords: Persistent epithelial defects; Platelet lysate; Re-epithelialization.