Structural bases of the assembly, recognition and disassembly of linear ubiquitin chain

Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 2018 Jul 5;1865(10):1410-1422. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2018.07.003. Online ahead of print.


Linear ubiquitin chain is a latest discovered type of poly-ubiquitin chain that is broadly involved in innate immune and inflammatory pathways. Dysfunctions in its assembly, recognition or disassembly are intimately related with numerous immunodeficiency or autoimmune diseases. Our understanding of the molecular mechanism for linear ubiquitin chain formation, recognition and disassembly has being significantly evolved in recent years, with particular contribution from the biochemical and structural characterizations of related proteins. Here, we focus on the relevant proteins for the synthesis, recognition and digestion of linear ubiquitin chain, and review recent findings to summarize currently known molecular mechanism from a perspective of structural biology.

Keywords: LUBAC; Linear ubiquitin chain; Linear ubiquitination; UBAN; Ubiquitin.

Publication types

  • Review