This is an article in the Core Entrustables in Clinical Pharmacology series that describes opioid therapy in acute and chronic pain. Opioid use during surgical procedures or anesthesia is not discussed. Basic pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of opioids are reviewed. The safe and effective use of opioids, including clinical assessment and treatment plan, equianalgesic dosing, opioid rotation, opioid risks and side effects, and clinical adherence monitoring are discussed. Individualized opioid use can be a safe and effective component of a patient-specific multimodal treatment plan for acute or chronic pain. Adverse effects and risks can be prevented or effectively managed when anticipated and recognized. The article is followed by 4 clinical vignettes with discussions.
Keywords: Analgesics; Drug therapy; Opioid; Opioid-related disorders; Pain management; Treatment outcome.
© 2018, The American College of Clinical Pharmacology.