In the present study we discuss our early results and some technical aspects of a new surgical approach in dealing with high-lying malignant biliary obstruction. After transection of the common bile duct we proceed through a cephalad reflection of its proximal end in a meticulous dissection of the intrahepatic biliary tree. During dissection we follow the intrahepatic course of the right and left portal vein, which leads us to follow the respective course of the main right and left hepatic ducts and to reach the levels of their subsequent consecutive segmental bifurcations. By transecting at high levels, we excise completely or partially the tumor with the confluence of common hepatic duct. We reconstruct the biliary tree by multiple intrahepatic cholangiojejunostomies by use of a Roux-Y jejunal loop and a varied number of segmental hepatic ducts. Transanastomotic tubes were used only temporarily. Fifteen patients underwent operations by the described surgical approach without mortality. All were relieved of their jaundice completely and in all the tumor was either completely (5) or partially (10) removed. All patients had a good quality of postoperative life without being obliged to carry transanastomotic tubes and the complications and problems associated with them.