Ultrasound-assisted impregnation for high temperature Fischer-Tropsch catalysts

Ultrason Sonochem. 2018 Nov:48:523-531. doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.06.017. Epub 2018 Jun 23.


A fraction of the petroleum extracted from oil reservoirs contains associated natural gas. Rather than building infrastructure to recover low volumes of this natural gas, the industry flares or vents it to the atmosphere, which contributes to atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions but also reduces the air quality locally because it contains gaseous sulphur and nitrogen compounds. Converting the natural gas (NG) to hydrocarbons with a small-scale two-step gas-to-liquids process, is an alternative to flaring and venting. In the first step, NG reacts with oxygen to form syngas (Catalytic Partial Oxidation) and in the second step the syngas reacts over metallic catalysts to form higher paraffins at 210 °C to 300 °C-Fischer Tropsch synthesis (FT). For the first time, we synthesize bimetallic FeCo FT catalysts with ultrasound. An ultrasonic horn agitates the solution during the entire impregnation process. The active phase dispersion of the sonicated catalysts was superior to the catalyst synthesized without ultrasound, while reducing the impregnation time by a factor of three. We tested our catalysts in a lab-scale, fixed-bed reactor at 270 °C and 300 °C, and achieved 80% conversion over 3-days on stream and a 40% yield of C2+.

Keywords: Catalyst synthesis; FeCo; Fischer-Tropsch; Impregnation; Iron; Sonocatalysis; Ultrasound.