Absorption from a chemically defined liquid feed consisting of small peptides, oligosaccharides, and little fat (half medium-chain triglycerides) was compared with that from a feed of whole protein, polysaccharides, and long-chain triglycerides in 7 patients with less than 150 cm of jejunum ending in a stoma. Comparisons of absorption from three solid food diets varying in their fiber and fat content but containing equal amounts of nitrogen and minerals were also made in 4 of the patients. There were no consistent differences between the two liquid or three solid-food diets in percentage of calorie, nitrogen, or fat absorption. The absolute loss of fat depended on the fat intake, but larger losses did not appear detrimental. A liquid diet consisting of peptides, oligosaccharides, and medium-chain triglycerides is not more beneficial than a polymeric diet in patients with a high jejunostomy. A liberal attitude is appropriate toward the fat and fiber content of the diet. Electrolyte supplements, especially sodium and magnesium, are often needed.