TA (Toxin-Antitoxin) systems are widely spread in chromosomes and plasmids of bacteria and archaea. These systems consist of two co-expression genes, encoding stable toxin and sensitive antitoxin, respectively. The toxicity of toxins usually inhibits bacterial growth and antitoxins can neutralize the toxins. Interaction between them would regulate the growth state of bacteria precisely. According to the composition of TA and nature of antitoxin, six types of TA have been found. The role of these TA systems in bacteria has been a hot research topic in recent years. Now, the research status on functions of bacterial TA is reviewed.
毒素-抗毒素 (Toxin-Antitoxin,TA) 系统广泛存在于原核生物和古细菌的染色体和质粒中。此系统由2 个共表达的基因组成,分别编码稳定的毒素蛋白和易降解的抗毒素,毒素通常发挥毒性作用抑制细菌生长,而抗毒素则可中和毒性,二者相互作用对细菌生长状态起精密调节作用。根据TA 的组成和抗毒素的性质,目前已经发现有6 型TA,这些TA 系统在细菌中发挥的作用一直是近年来学者们研究的热点,文中对细菌TA 的功能研究进展进行了综述。.
Keywords: Toxin-Antitoxin system; bacterial virulence; biofilm; environmental adaptability; persisters.