Background: Over the past decade gender mainstreaming has gained visibility at global health organisations. The World Bank, one of the largest funders of global health activities, released two World Development Reports showcasing its gender policies, and recently announced a $1 billion initiative for women's entrepreneurship. We summarise the development of the Bank's gender policies and analyse its financing of gender projects in the health sector. This article is intended to provide background for future research on the Bank's gender and global health portfolio. Methods: First, we constructed a timeline of the Bank's gender policy development, through a review of published articles, grey literature, and Bank documents and reports. Second, we performed a health-focused analysis of publicly available Bank gender project databases, to track its financing of health sector projects with a gender 'theme' from 1985-2017. Results: The Bank's gender policy developed through four major phases from 1972-2017: 'women in development' (WID), institutionalisation of WID, gender mainstreaming, and gender equality through 'smart economics'. In the more inclusive Bank project database, projects with a gender theme comprised between 1.3% (1985-1989) and 6.2% (2010-2016) of all Bank commitments. Most funding targeted middle-income countries and particular health themes, including communicable diseases and health systems. Major gender-related trust funds were absent from both databases. The Bank reports that 98% of its lending is 'gender informed', which indicates that the gender theme used in its publicly available project databases is poorly aligned with its criteria for gender informed projects. Conclusion: The Bank focused most of its health sector gender projects on women's and girls' issues. It is increasingly embracing private sector financing of its gender activities, which may impact its poverty alleviation agenda. Measuring the success of gender mainstreaming in global health will require the Bank to release more information about its gender indicators and projects.
Keywords: World Bank; gender; global health; health financing; health governance; mainstreaming.