Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is well recognized as the most common type of peripheral neuropathy. A rare cause of CTS is tophaceous gout. Tophi deposits can accumulate in various structures including the flexor tendons, tendon sheaths, the carpal tunnel floor, transverse carpal ligament, and even the median nerve, causing various symptoms such as pain, numbness, and weakness. Tophi forming in the carpal canal can compress the median nerve, leading to CTS. Here, we describe a 25-year-old male with a family history of tophaceous gout who presented with typical CTS symptoms. Although he had chronic numbness in his right hand, he failed to present with any obvious palpable masses on his forearm or hand. However, his family history, laboratory, clinical, and magnetic resonance imaging findings were consistent with tophi deposits. CTS symptoms were eased through surgical removal of tophi and decompression of the median nerve. No recurrences of gout and CTS symptoms were reported at a one-year follow-up. This case shows that CTS symptoms could be the initial manifestation of tophaceous gout. In patients with a family history of gout and with CTS symptoms, imaging examinations are critical for early diagnosis and selecting appropriate treatment. Surgical removal of "covert" tophi and decompression of the median nerve is an effective option for eliminating symptoms.
Keywords: Carpal tunnel syndrome; Family medical history; Flexor Tendon; Surgery; Tophaceous gout.