Aphasia is considered as an acquired neurological disorder of communication, which is characterised by the symptoms on all levels of language dysfunction. The current study was planned to explore the outcomes of script training in a patient with Broca's aphasia through quantitative approach using a single-subject-multiple-baseline research design across behaviours. The probes were obtained during the baseline, treatment, maintenance and generalisation phases for tracking the spoken use of scripted content. All the probes were transcribed verbatim and no value of Cohen's Kappa Coefficient (K) was below 0.61, indicating robust inter-rater reliability. The subject learned all six scripts successively and over 80% of mastery level on all dependent variables was achieved. The largest effect size, above 10.1, was reported for the percent of intelligible scripted words (PISW). Script training was found to be an effective therapy for rejuvenating lost communication of patients with severe Broca's aphasia.
Keywords: Stroke, Aphasia, Script training, Language deficit, Automatic speech, Conversational context, Patients with Broca's aphasia, Communication, Rehabilitation, Speech Language Pathology...