Drug-induced Thrombotic Microangiopathy Caused by Gemcitabine

Cureus. 2018 Aug 2;10(8):e3088. doi: 10.7759/cureus.3088.


Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is the triad of nonimmune (Coombs negative) hemolytic anemia, low platelet count, and renal impairment. HUS has been associated with a variety of gastrointestinal malignancies and chemotherapeutic agents. We present a patient with pancreatic cancer treated with gemcitabine for palliation who developed gemcitabine-induced HUS (GiHUS) which responded to some extent to blood and platelet transfusions. With the increase in the use of gemcitabine therapy for pancreatic and other malignancies, it is essential to accurately and timely diagnose GiHUS to avoid the life-threatening complications.

Keywords: atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome; pancreas cancer.

Publication types

  • Case Reports