The effect of etoposide containing drug combinations on reproductive performance was studied in women successfully treated for gestational trophoblastic disease between 1977 and 1984. Of the 74 women who wished to get pregnant 57 (77.0%) succeeded in having at least one live birth while five (6.8%) have ongoing pregnancies. Of eight (19.8%) women who have not become pregnant two (2.7%) had previous infertility problems antedating the development of gestational trophoblastic disease. The miscarriage rate was 124/1000. There was only one case of foetal death and one congenital abnormality (microcephaly possibly associated with cytomegalovirus infection) among 79 live births and stillbirths. This study indicates that etoposide (VP16-213) as is currently used in this unit for the treatment of gestational trophoblastic tumour is unlikely to have any long-term effect on fertility in most women.