Complex regional pain syndrome is an extremely painful condition that develops after trauma to a limb. Complex regional pain syndrome exhibits autoimmune features in part mediated by autoantibodies against muscarinic-2 acetylcholine (M2) receptor. The mechanisms underlying the M2 receptor involvement in complex regional pain syndrome remain obscure. Based on our recent work demonstrating that limb nerve trauma releases a potent proalgesic, immunodominant myelin basic protein fragment, our present sequence database analyses reveal an unexpected and previously undescribed structural homology of the proalgesic myelin basic protein fragment with the M2 receptor. As both complex regional pain syndrome and the proalgesic myelin basic protein activity are prevalent in females, this myelin basic protein/M2 homology presents an inviting hypothesis explaining the mechanisms of autoimmune pathogenesis and sexual dimorphism that underlies vulnerability toward developing complex regional pain syndrome and other pain states with neuropathic features. This hypothesis may aid in the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to chronic pain.
Keywords: Acetylcholine muscarinic receptor; autoimmunity; complex regional pain syndrome; myelin basic protein; pain.