The gastrocnemius muscle is a complex muscle that is fundamentally involved in walking and posture. It affects the entire lower limb and the movement of the hip and the lumbar area. It is a muscular district called to work during daily and sports activities and maintain orthostatism. This article reviews the anatomical and functional information of the gastrocnemius muscle and its embryological derivation. This review will also illustrate the vascular and lymphatic network and the innervating nerve branch. The text describes the concept of fascial continuum, which explains the influence of a muscular district compared to those bordering and distant.
It highlights the anatomical variants such as gastrocnemius tertius or quadriceps gastrocnemius. The text describes some pathological conditions and surgical approaches related to gastrocnemius and the muscle's instrumental and palpatory clinical evaluation. The paper concludes by describing conservative approaches in cases of calf dysfunction, such as physiotherapy and osteopathy.
The important reflection from the text is that a contractile district relates to the body system, and it is limiting to consider a muscle only as an anatomical segment.
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