Biological maturation is associated with physiological changes which in turn affect motor performance. No study has assessed the association between growing up habitually shod versus habitually barefoot and motor performance in the context of maturation, so this approach is unique. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of biological maturity on motor performance dependent on the participants' footwear habits. Sixty-five German habitually shod (mean age 13.28 ± 0.83 years) and fifty-five South African habitually barefoot (mean age 13.38 ± 0.87 years) participants were included. Dynamic postural control was determined via backward balancing, explosive strength by standing long jump and sprinting performance based on a 20-m sprinting test. All tests were performed barefoot and shod. Biological maturation was calculated by using the maturity offset value. Linear mixed models were used to analyse interactions between the maturity offset value, footwear habits and motor performance. Throughout maturation, there was a significant difference between habitually barefoot and habitually shod balance performance (P = 0.001). Maturation led to balance improvements in habitually barefoot adolescents, but not in habitually shod adolescents. No such differences could be observed for standing long jump and 20-m sprint performance. Maturity offset was a significant predictor for jumping and sprinting performances (P < 0.001), independent of being habitually barefoot or habitually shod. Better performances could be observed in more mature subjects. Biological maturation seems to be a relevant predictor for motor performance characteristics for the jumping and sprinting performance in adolescents.
Keywords: adolescence; barefoot; maturity; motor performance; shod.