Analytic-agent cyber dynamical systems analysis and design method for modeling spatio-temporal factors of malware propagation in wireless sensor networks

MethodsX. 2018 Oct 16:5:1373-1398. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2018.10.005. eCollection 2018.


Modelers often apply analytical (differential equation-based) epidemic models that mostly characterize the behavior of the network compartments with passage of time. Beyond temporal characterization, agent modeling promises the achievement of relevant spatial (stochastic and heterogeneous) representations. Arising from the combination of the prevalent analytical and agent methods (gleaned from extant literature) is a new method called the Analytic-Agent Cyber Dynamical Systems Analysis and Design Method (A2CDSADM); a modification of the Agent Oriented Analysis and Design (AOAD). Using hypothetical wireless sensor network (WSN) cases, A2CDSADM alleviates the lack of field data/lack of real geographical locations of the occurrence of particular cases by creating an analytical benchmark model for initial validation of the resulting agent model and ensures its easy modifiability and reproducibility. More so, it helps achieve the complementary/generative contribution of agent modeling, diminishes the less-tractable nature of representing/analyzing WSN spatial features and provides a formalized method for performing comparative epidemic studies. Also, A2CDSADM covers the additional features for: •Generating the (analytical) equilibriums of WSN.•Performing continuous validation (at several points) in order to ensure model accuracy/suitability for real-world decision making.•Creating a high level conceptual model containing the envisaged WSN features to be represented.

Keywords: Agent Oriented Software Engineering/Agent Oriented Analysis and Design Method; Agent model; Analytical benchmark model; Continuous validation; Equilibrium generation; High level conceptual model.