Background: We present a case involving conservative treatment of placenta accreta, with a subsequent diagnosis of Asherman's syndrome.
Case presentation: A 41-year-old Japanese woman (G2P0A2) delivered a healthy male infant via cesarean section due to preeclampsia. The placenta did not spontaneously separate and was manually removed. Adhesion was tight and placenta accreta was diagnosed. During the procedure, no uterine inversion or perforation, and no uterine cavity adhesion, were observed. Four months postoperatively, hysteroscopy was performed. Adhesion was detected at the fundus of her uterus where the placenta had adhered to the uterus. Asherman's syndrome was diagnosed.
Conclusions: Asherman's syndrome might occur after conservative management of placenta accreta, which may be a direct cause of placenta accreta recurrence. When Asherman's syndrome is diagnosed, the site of the placenta and adhesion should be monitored during subsequent pregnancies.
Keywords: Asherman’s syndrome; Conservative management; Placenta accreta.