Girl Scouts (GS) is a setting with large reach to target increased moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in girls. The Scouting Nutrition and Activity Program (SNAP) increased MVPA during intervention troop meetings; therefore, further examination of implementation of SNAP components is warranted to determine the processes contributing to intervention success. The purpose of this study is to examine variability in implementation of an active recreation (AR) policy into GS troop meetings. Troop leaders (n = 7) were randomized to receive SNAP, an intervention training on implementing a policy promoting AR, or a standard control. Meetings (seven meetings/troop) were observed, and girls in attendance (n = 76, 9-13 years, mean ± SD = 10.51 ± 1.19 years) wore ActiGraph GT1M accelerometers. Two observers attended each meeting and recorded start/stop points of AR time segments, as well as other tasks (i.e., opening/closing, snack, and Girl Scout curriculum [GSC]). Time-segmented accelerometer data were analyzed using Evenson cut points and paired with observation data. Researchers observed 181 segments (mean/day ± SD = 3.77 ± 1.24). Intervention troops implemented more AR segments/day (mean/day = 0.86; 95% CI = 0.62-1.09) than control troops (mean/day = 0.18; 95% CI = 0.00-0.39). A greater percentage of time (%time) was spent in MVPA during AR segments (mean = 10.99; 95% CI = 7.16-14.82) compared with GSC segments (mean = 0.73; 95% CI = 0.00-4.10), opening/closing (mean = 3.96; 95% CI = 0.54-7.38), and snack (mean = 0.74; 95% CI = 0.00-4.10) segments, and during opening/closing segments compared with GSC and snack segments. Intervention troops implemented more AR segments than control troops. Troop meeting patterns of PA were influenced by task. Adding time segments conducive to PA could increase the %time spent in MVPA during GS troop meetings.