The effectiveness and tolerability of a venotropic drug (RAES) composed of an extract of Ruscus aculeatus (16.5 mg), hesperidin (75 mg) and ascorbic acid (50 mg) were evaluated in 40 patients (30 female, 10 male) aged between 28 and 74 years, suffering from chronic phlebopathy of the lower limbs. The cross-over, double-blind trial involved two periods of treatment of 2 months with the drug (2 capsules, 3 times/day) or with placebo, and an interim period of 15 days for wash-out. An overall tendency for improvement occurred that was more distinct during the periods of treatment with the drug. In fact, symptoms and plethysmographic parameters (in particular MVIV 40 and 60) immediately changed significantly in correspondence with the administration of RAES. The biological and clinical tolerability were excellent.