Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in behavioral and neuroimaging studies on the processing of symbolic communicative gestures, such as pantomimes and emblems, but well-controlled stimuli have been scarce. This study describes a dataset of more than 200 video clips of an actress performing pantomimes (gestures that mimic object-directed/object-use actions; e.g., playing guitar), emblems (conventional gestures; e.g., thumbs up), and meaningless gestures. Gestures were divided into four lists. For each of these four lists, 50 Italian and 50 American raters judged the meaningfulness of the gestures and provided names and descriptions for them. The results of these rating and norming measures are reported separately for the Italian and American raters, offering the first normed set of meaningful and meaningless gestures for experimental studies. The stimuli are available for download via the Figshare database.
Keywords: Emblems; Gestures; Object-directed actions; Pantomimes.