Objectives: Delivery mode of term breech presentation is debated because of higher rate of neonatal acidosis (pH<7.15) in planned vaginal delivery than in planned caesarean section. The objective was to evaluate per-partum risk factors of neonatal acidosis in vaginal delivery for podalic fetuses.
Methods: It was a single-centre, case-control retrospective study that included planned vaginal delivery in singleton term breech presentation between 2012 and 2016. The "case" group defined by neonatal pH≤7.10 and the "control" group defined by neonatal pH≥7.20 were matched. The maternal, labor, and neonatal characteristics were noted.
Results: One hundred and thirty-two patients were included: each of 44 patients in "case" group, has been matched according to breech type (legs position) to 2 patients in the "control" group, so 88. In multivariate analysis, significant risk factors identified were oxytocin use [ORa=5.663 (95% CI=1.844-17.397)], "high risk" fetal heart rate (FHR) abnormalities according to FIGO classification [ORa=10.997 (95% CI=1.864-64.866)] and FHR abnormalities during expulsion, Melchior 2 [ORa=8.088 (95% CI=1.192-54.875)] and Melchior 4 [ORa=12.705 (95% CI=1.157-139.541)].
Conclusions: These risk factors of neonatal acidemia have to be known to improve the labor management in case of breech planned vaginal delivery.
Keywords: Accouchement voie basse; Acidose néonatale; Breech; Facteurs de risque; Neonatal acidosis; Per-partum; Risk factors; Siège; Vaginal delivery.
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