Left Pleuropericardial Cyst

Curr Health Sci J. 2017 Jan-Mar;43(1):83-86. doi: 10.12865/CHSJ.43.01.13. Epub 2017 Sep 27.


Introduction: Cysts of the mediastinum, which are benign masses, are usually detected by chance, and constitute a small but important diagnose group, representing 7 to 18% of all primary mediastinal tumors. Pleuropericardial cysts, located most frequently in the left anterior and inferior mediastinum, are identified in the fourth or fifth decade of life affecting females more than males with a sex ratio of 8:4.

Material and method: We present the case of a 52 year old woman diagnosed with pericardial cyst located in the left cardiophrenic angle. CPP was rather big and was initially diagnosed as encysted pleurisy. Ultrasound guided exploratory thoracentesis was performed evacuating 300 ml "water spring" like fluid very scarce in cells. We further investigated our patient for differential diagnosis but the patient refused surgery and she is now managed conservatively with a close follow-up.

Conclusions: A pericardial cyst should always be suspected when a cystic lesion is detected in the mediastinum. Pleuropericardial cysts are usually suspected after an abnormal chest X-ray is obtained. If the patient is asymptomatic and the information provided by CT indicates a benign tumoral process suggestive for a pleuropericardial cyst, conservative management with careful follow-up is justified.

Keywords: Pleuropericardial cyst; cardiophrenic angle; mediastinal tumor.