Binary gene regulatory tools such as the Tetracycline (Tet)-controlled transcription system have revolutionized genetic research in multiple organisms, but their applications to the worm remain very limited. Here we report that the canonical Tet system is largely inactive in the worm but can be adapted for the worm by introducing multiple modifications, a crucial one being the use of the transcription activation domain from the fungal Q binary system. The resultant Tet/Q hybrid system proves more robust and flexible than either of its precursors, enabling elaborate modes of transgene manipulation previously hard to achieve in the worm, including inducible intersectional regulation and, in combination with the Q system, independent control of distinct transgenes within the same cells. Furthermore, we demonstrated, as an example of its applications, that the hybrid system can tightly and efficiently control Cre expression. This study establishes Tet/Q as a premier binary system for worm genetic research.
Keywords: Genetics; Model Organism; Techniques in Genetics.
Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.