Drug discovery and drug marketing with the critical roles of modern administration

Am J Transl Res. 2018 Dec 15;10(12):4302-4312. eCollection 2018.


Drug research and development is a long-term and complicated process with the involvement of multidisciplinary, multi-sector cooperation and regulations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is of high risk, high cost, high benefit and time-consuming. Therefore, the drug administration and management is extremely necessary and useful. We discussed the whole process including laboratory study, target determination, drug discovery and screening, leading compound and optimization, preclinical and clinical trials, FDA approval and marketing. Actively exploring and applying modern administration and innovative management technology, we can scientifically and effectively enhance the discovery of new drug research and development, and strengthen the supervision of drug market. In recent years, innovation such as artificial intelligence has been applied to drug discovery and drug administration. We further analyzed the possibility of applying management technology to reduce risks, generate profits and benefit patients in the whole process of new drug research and development. In conclusion, drug administration and management plays critical roles in modern drug research and development, and the new technology can be helpful for drug launching.

Keywords: Drug research and development; administration; laboratory; management; preclinical and clinical trial.