In Vitro Assessment of Balanites aegyptiaca Fruit Methanolic Extract on the Adult Toxocara canis

Iran J Parasitol. 2018 Oct-Dec;13(4):643-647.


Background: The effectiveness of anthelmintics may diminish within approximately 10 yr of use relying on several factors such as anthelmintic resistance. This study aimed to assess in vitro effect of Balanites aegyptiaca fruits extract on the cuticle of adult worm of Toxocara canis as naturally alternative therapy.

Methods: B. aegyptiaca fruits were procured from the local markets in Aswan, Upper Egypt and authenticated at the Herbarium of National Research Centre. The effect of methanolic extract of B. aegyptiaca fruits on adult T. canis after 24 and 48 h incubating the parasites in Ringer solution containing 240 μg/ml Balanites extract was determined by scanning electron microscopy.

Results: The main changes induced by treatment with the tested extract were wrinkled cuticular surface and deformed sensory papillae. This cuticular distortion would undoubtedly disrupt its protective function and might be enough to expel Toxocara worms from dog's intestine.

Conclusion: The use of this plant offers a chance for new nematocidal agent, which is economical alternative for the more expensive anthelmintics.

Keywords: Balanites aegyptiaca fruits; Cuticle; In vitro effect; Scanning electron microscopy; Toxocara canis.