A patient with acquired von Willebrand syndrome associated with polycythemia rubra vera is described. Her plasma factor VIII procoagulant activity (67 U/dl) and factor VIII-related antigen (117 U/dl) were normal but no von Willebrand factor activity could be detected. Factor VIII crossed immunoelectrophoresis revealed decreased levels of less anodic polymeric forms of factor VIII. Mixture of her plasma or immunoglobulin G (IgG) fraction with normal plasma resulted in complete recovery of factor VIII activity and related antigen but no measurable von Willebrand factor activity, confirming the presence of an unique inhibitor. The limited specificity of this inhibitor to antigenic sites solely on the von Willebrand portion of the factor VIII bimolecular complex is distinct from all previous reports of this syndrome. This unique inhibitor offers a molecular probe to examine the von Willebrand factor: platelet interaction.