A scientific workshop held in the UK explored the potential contribution of traditional dried fruits to public health, identified gaps in the evidence and addressed priorities for research. Presentations considered the categorisation and composition of dried fruits; dried fruit and gastrointestinal health; the polyphenol content of dried fruits and their potential contribution to health; dried fruit and appetite in relation to the psychology of snacking and obesity; dried fruit and dental health including its role as a snack; and conflicts in public health advice for dried fruits. A round table discussion explored the contribution of dried fruit to "five a day" fruit and vegetable intake and fibre intake, whether dried fruits have equivalence with fresh in terms of dietary advice, advice on snacking in relation to dental health and appetite control, informing the public about different types of dried fruits and avoiding consumer confusion, and future research requirements.
Keywords: Dried fruit; composition; dental health; gastrointestinal health; polyphenols; satiety.