Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis: Femoral Region

In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.


The femoral or thigh region of the lower limb is bounded proximally by the hip and distally by the knee (see Image. Right Femur Anatomy, Posterior Surface). Connective tissue septae divide this region into 3 muscle compartments: anterior, posterior, and medial. Femoral muscles contribute to the hip and knee's range of motion. The lower limb's major neurovascular structures pass through the femoral compartments before entering or exiting the pelvis.

Most thigh injuries arise from trauma or overuse. Surgically necessary femoral procedures include knee replacements and fracture repairs. The femoral compartment is paramount in orthopedic surgery due to its role in knee joint stability and weight-bearing. Understanding this compartment's anatomy allows clinicians to perform interventions effectively and optimize patient outcomes.

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