In this study, we evaluated and compared the effect of treatment with a hydrofiber dressing with silver (HFAg) and a polylactic membrane (PLM) on systemic oxidative stress in systemic inflammatory reaction in thermal burn injuries in children. A prospective randomized and matched pairing study of 20 to 50% of TBSA was performed from children equal to both sexes affected by thermal injuries. The control group was included in normal children of both sexes. Serum malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), total oxidant capacity (TOC), and glutathione (GSH) levels were analyzed and the results were analyzed statistically. In this study, it was found that PLM treatment increased TAC and GSH levels in burn patients significantly more than the other group. With the use of PLM, TOC decreased to normal level from day 3. In the HFAg group, TAC and GSH levels began to increase on the seventh day. On the first day of the burn, the TOC level started to increase. This increase continued on days 7 and 14. The TOC level began to fall on the 21st day. The increase in TAC was higher in the PLM group. In the PLM group, TOC fell faster. As a result, we think that different burn dressings can have different systemic effects. We can speculate that PLM has an antioxidant effect in the burn tissue due to high lactate content. Therefore, PLM may have decreased serum oxidative stress indicators more effectively than HFAg.
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