End-binding proteins (EBs), referred to as the core components of the microtubule plus-end tracking protein network, interact with the C-terminus of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) tumor suppressor. This interaction is disrupted in colon cancers expressing truncated APC. APC and EBs act in synergy to regulate microtubule dynamics during spindle formation, chromosome segregation and cell migration. Since EBs autonomously end-track microtubules and partially co-localize with APC at microtubule tips in cells, EBs have been proposed to direct APC to microtubule ends. However, the interdependency of EB and APC localization on microtubules remains elusive. Here, using in vitro reconstitution and single-molecule imaging, we have investigated the interplay between EBs and the C-terminal domain of APC (APC-C) on dynamic microtubules. Our results show that APC-C binds along the microtubule wall but does not accumulate at microtubule tips, even when EB proteins are present. APC-C was also found to enhance EB binding at the extremity of growing microtubules and on the microtubule lattice: APC-C promotes EB end-tracking properties by increasing the time EBs spend at microtubule growing ends, whereas a pool of EBs with a fast turnover accumulates along the microtubule surface. Overall, our results suggest that APC is a promoter of EB interaction with microtubules, providing molecular determinants to reassess the relationship between APC and EBs.
Keywords: APC; EB1; EB3; TIRF; microtubule.
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