Objective: We aimed to investigate the association between cardiovascular health (CVH), as defined by the American Heart Association, and several sleep disturbances.
Methods: Two community-based cohorts, the Paris Prospective Study 3 (PPS3, France, n=6441) and the CoLaus study (Switzerland, n=2989) were analysed. CVH includes 7 metrics which all can be classified as poor, intermediate and ideal. Global CVH score was categorised into poor (0-2 ideal metrics), intermediate (3-4 ideal metrics) and ideal (≥5 ideal metrics). Associations between global CVH and self-reported sleep disturbances (proxy of sleep-disordered breathing [SDB], excessive daytime sleepiness, insomnia symptoms and short/long sleep duration) and SDB severity measured by polysomnography (PSG) were investigated. Adjusted OR/relative risk ratio (RRR) and 95% CIs were estimated. Subjects with previous cardiovascular disease were excluded.
Results: Compared with poor CVH, subjects with intermediate and ideal global CVH had lower odds of self-reported SDB in both cohorts (ORs 0.55; 95% CI 0.44 to 0.68 and 0.35; 95% CI 0.22 to 0.53, respectively) and had lower SDB severity measured by PSG (RRR 0.07; 95% CI 0.02 to 0.20) in CoLaus. Subjects with intermediate and ideal global CVH had lower odds of excessive daytime sleepiness in PPS3 (ORs 0.82; 0.72 to 0.95 and 0.80; 0.82 to 1.02, respectively). No consistent associations were found between CVH and sleep duration or insomnia symptoms.
Conclusions: Higher levels of CVH are associated with lower odds of SDB and excessive daytime sleepiness. However, causal interpretation cannot be made and associations might be bidirectional.
Keywords: cardiac risk factors and prevention; epidemiology.
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