Quality improvement (QI) is a science of systematic analysis and improvement of health care delivery systems. Working knowledge of QI models is imperative to professional development of future pediatric emergency medicine practitioners. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education has established a list of QI and patient safety expectations for trainees. In order to address educational needs in this area, we have created a novel QI curriculum for pediatric emergency medicine fellows that include didactic sessions, active participation in QI projects, and mentorship by QI faculty. As a part of the curriculum, fellows are required to participate in variety of QI and patient safety activities, such as Morbidity and Mortality conferences, QI and Patient Case Review committees, and Clinical Care Guideline work groups. As a measure of success, fellows who have participated in this curriculum have shared their successful QI work at the local and national levels. This goal of this report is to share our experience in order to provide other institutions a framework for their own curriculum development.