Ptosis Correction

In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.


The term “ptosis” is derived from the Greek word falling and refers to drooping of a body part. Blepharoptosis is upper eyelid drooping with the eyes in the primary position of gaze.

The shape of one's eyes along with the position of the eyelids, shape, and position of the eyebrow determines one's identity. Hence, drooping of the eyelids may produce a functional or a cosmetic deficit.

Ptosis can occur in all age groups and is the result of various factors. One must remember that when a patient presents with complaints of drooping, it is a mere symptom and not the diagnosis. A thorough evaluation is of utmost importance to determine the cause.

Ptosis can classify as true ptosis or pseudoptosis. True ptosis is further classified based on the age of presentation into congenital ptosis and acquired ptosis.

Acquired adult ptosis is further classified based upon the etiological factors as

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