Background: A head-to-head trial (NCT03078478) between insulin degludec and insulin glargine U300 with the primary objective of comparing the risk of hypoglycemia is being conducted. During trial conduct, safety concerns related to the glycemic data collection system led to a postinitiation protocol amendment, described here.
Methods: This randomized (1:1), open-label, treat-to-target, multinational trial was initiated in March 2017 with a planned treatment period of 52 weeks (16 weeks titration + 36 weeks maintenance). Overall, ~1600 insulin-experienced patients at risk of developing hypoglycemia based on predefined risk factors were included. The protocol amendment implemented in February 2018 resulted in assuring patient safety and an extension of the total treatment period up to 88 weeks (16 weeks titration + variable maintenance 1 + 36 weeks maintenance 2). The original glycemic data collection system (MyGlucoHealth blood glucose meter + electronic diary) was discontinued because of safety concerns and replaced with an Abbott blood glucose meter and paper diary to collect self-measured blood glucose and hypoglycemic episodes. The primary endpoint of number of severe or blood-glucose confirmed symptomatic hypoglycemic episodes will be evaluated with the same analysis duration and statistical methods as the original protocol. Only relevant changes were implemented to maintain patient safety while permitting evaluation of the scientific objectives of the trial.
Conclusions: These observations highlight the importance of safety surveillance during trial conduct despite the use of currently marketed glucose monitoring devices. The prompt protocol amendment and ensuing actions ensured that the scientific integrity of the trial was not compromised.
Keywords: degludec; glargine U300; protocol amendment.