Depression is a common problem in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and is associated with increased mortality, excess disability, greater health care expenditures, and reduced quality of life. Depression is present in 1 of 5 patients with coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, and heart failure. Depression complicates the optimal management of CVD by worsening cardiovascular risk factors and decreasing adherence to healthy lifestyles and evidence-based medical therapies. As such, standardized screening pathways for depression in patients with CVD offer the potential for early identification and optimal management of depression to improve health outcomes. Unfortunately, the burden of depression in patients with CVD is under-recognized; as a result, screening and management strategies targeting depression have been poorly implemented in patients with CVD. In this review, the authors discuss a practical approach for the screening and management of depression in patients with CVD.
Keywords: antidepressant treatment; cardiovascular disease; depression; screening.
Copyright © 2019 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.