Vitamin B-6 status was assessed by measuring erythrocyte glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (EGPT) indices in 122 pregnant Hispanic teenagers. Seventeen percent were vitamin B-6 deficient (EGPT indices greater than 1.25) at the initial interview (first or second trimester). A daily supplement of 5 mg vitamin B-6, beginning at initial interview, did not reduce prevalence of vitamin B-6 deficiency at final interview (third trimester). No association was found between EGPT indices greater than 1.25 and the outcome of pregnancy. The activity of diamine oxidase (DAO), a vitamin B-6-dependent enzyme produced by the placental decidua, was measured in maternal plasma. At initial and final interviews, plasma-DAO activity was increased by in vitro addition of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate. The activity in early pregnancy was positively associated with dietary vitamin B-6 intake and was lower in teenagers with EGPT indices greater than 1.25 at the final interview. Findings suggest that plasma-DAO activity is influenced by vitamin B-6 status.