At present, methods of water-intake survey include government, industry, sector statistics data, dietary survey (24 hours dietary recall, dietary record and food frequency questionnaire), fluid intake survey (retrospective fluid-intake questionnaire, 1-5 days 24 hours fluid-intake survey, 7 days 24 hours fluid-intake record), weighing method with the food composition table, weighing method, duplicate portion method and chemical analysis, and so on. The method of 7 days 24 hours fluid-intake record is an internationally recognized and authoritative method for fluid-intake survey with the highest accuracy, which can reflect the differences of fluid intake between working and non-working days, and can obtain detailed data on behaviors and patterns of fluid water, such as the time, types and places of fluid intake. The method of combining weighing method, duplicate portion method and chemical analysis is used to analyze water intake from food with the highest accuracy, which can be used in an extensive range of population and areas, but with high cost and complex operating steps. It is of great practical significance to compare and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different methods about water-intake survey, which will be helpful for researchers to choose appropriate methods for water-intake survey to obtain accurate and representative data in various areas, different population, and complex circumstances.
水摄入量调查方法主要包括利用政府机关、统计部门、行业部门的统计数据、采用膳食调查法(询问法、记录法、食物频率问卷法)、饮水记录调查法(回顾性饮水问卷法、1~5 d 24 h实时饮水记录法、连续7 d 24 h实时饮水记录法)、称重法结合食物成分表法、称重法、双份饭法结合化学分析法等。其中,连续7 d 24 h实时饮水记录法用于调查人群饮水量,是国际认可的准确、可靠的方法。这种方法获得的信息,既能反映工作日和休息日饮水量的区别,还能获得饮水种类、次数、时间及地点等详细的饮水行为数据。称重法、双份饭法结合化学分析法用于分析人群食物来源水分,准确度高而且适用于不同地区、不同年龄人群,应用范围广泛,但实施复杂而且成本较高。比较和评价不同水摄入量调查方法的优缺点和应用性,可帮助研究者在不同地区、不同人群、不同环境下开展水摄入量调查时,选择适宜的方法来获得准确且有代表性的数据,具有重要的实际应用意义。.
Keywords: Drinking; Intake; Investigation method.