Functional and medicinal beverages consumption plays an important role in human health, considering that metabolites, with a wide range of pharmacological effects, are inserted in the human diet. Nowadays, the most consumed beverages are obtained from Camellia sinensis leaves and coffee grain processing, and contain different classes of polyphenols and phenolic acids in their phytochemical composition. Besides C. sinensis and coffee, numerous plants have been receiving attention due to their phytochemical composition and pharmacological effects, such as yerba mate, hibiscus, chamomile, lemongrass, fennel and mentha. Furthermore, atomized or lyophilized medicinal plant extracts can be employed in many beverage formulations and the consumption of these products is an excellent delivery means for nutrients and bioactive compounds, such as: minerals, vitamins, terpenes, antioxidants, saponins, alkaloids and polysaccharides. Innovation in food processing in order to insert functional and medicinal beverages in the human diet poses a challenge for the coming years. The technological development of new processing forms and use of plants with bioactive metabolites could be an important tool in relation to this proposal. In this context, this review has aimed to summarize and analyze pharmacological, phytochemistry and technological aspects of species with classical ethnobotanical and traditional use.
Keywords: Beverage production; Camellia tea; Coffee; Medicinal plants; Secondary metabolites; Yerba mate..
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