Introduction: In this study we detail the effect of different fixation agents and the duration of storage has on the immunohistochemical staining positivity of samples of archival embryonic and fetal tissues.
Materials and methods: The samples were stained by indirect two-step immunohistochemistry (IHC) method for Ki-67, cyclin A and β-actin.
Results: Irrespective of the length of tissue archiving, tissue fixation with 10% neutral buffered formalin had better IHC intensity results in all cases when compared to methacarn-fixed tissues. In the case of β-actin, this difference was statistically significant, while differences in Ki-67 and cyclin A were not. The second aspect studied was which effect tissue block archiving duration has on the IHC reactivity. We demonstrated a statistically significant decrease in IHC positivity for all studied antigens between the samples that were archived for 10-19 or 20-45 years, regardless the fixative solution.
Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, the influence that the duration of tissue block archiving has on IHC positivity in human embryo and fetal tissue material has not yet been studied. Although the causes of the IHC positivity decline in archived tissue blocks are not well understood, a possible decrease in IHC over time should be considered, particularly in retrospective studies.
Keywords: Archive tissue samples; Fixation; Immunohistochemistry; Quality of tissue samples.
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