Background: There is limited information on current cost estimates associated with intertrochanteric hip fractures in the United States. The purpose of the present study was to estimate the incidence and economic burden of both intertrochanteric and all hip fracture types in the Medicare patient population to the U.S. health-care system.
Methods: This retrospective database analysis of the 2014 Medicare database involved Standard Analytic File (SAF) 5% sample claims and total enrollment files. Patients ≥65 years of age with a new principal diagnosis of hip fracture (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification [ICD-9-CM] code 820.xy) who were continuously enrolled for 18 months were included; those with intertrochanteric hip fracture were further identified with use of ICD-9-CM code 820.21. The total direct medical costs associated with hip fracture in the 90-day and 12-month post-fracture periods were estimated. The relevant costs were estimated on the basis of a propensity-score-matched analysis. The health-care services responsible for major expenses within the 90-day episode-of-care period were also identified.
Results: The total annual direct medical costs associated with all hip fractures was $50,508 per patient, resulting in a yearly estimate of $5.96 billion to the U.S. health-care system. Intertrochanteric hip fractures accounted for an annual estimate of $52,512 per patient, corresponding to an overall annual economic burden of $2.63 billion to the U.S. health-care system and representing 44% of all hip fracture costs. Inpatient hospitalization and skilled nursing facility services jointly accounted for 76.3% of the $44,135 estimated cost per patient and 75.6% of the $42,388 estimated cost per patient within the 90-day post-acute care period for intertrochanteric and all hip fractures, respectively.
Conclusions: Hip fracture represents a substantial economic burden to the U.S. health-care system, accounting for $5.96 billion per year, with intertrochanteric hip fracture accounting for 44% of total costs.
Level of evidence: Economic and decision analysis, Level IV. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Clinical relevance: The present study provides a comprehensive and updated annual estimate of the economic burden of all hip fracture types and estimates the economic burden of intertrochanteric hip fractures in the Medicare population; to our knowledge, prior availability of this information in the literature is limited.