Background: Besides the devastating complication of blindness, paralysis of the eye muscles, namely ophthalmoplegia, may occur after cosmetic facial filler injection. However, little is known of the clinical characteristics and prognosis of such complications. This study was performed to investigate the natural course of ophthalmoplegia and development of sensory strabismus secondary to blindness after iatrogenic occlusion of the ophthalmic artery and its branches resulting from cosmetic facial filler injection.
Methods: A retrospective study of 21 patients with occlusion of the ophthalmic artery and its branches after cosmetic facial filler injection was performed. The clinical characteristics and prognosis of ophthalmoplegia after cosmetic filler injection were evaluated. At the final examination, development of sensory strabismus defined as deviation of the eye secondary to unilateral vision loss was evaluated.
Results: At initial presentation, ophthalmoplegia was found in 15 of 21 patients (71 percent) and was significantly associated with the presence of anterior segment ischemia (p = 0.017). Among patients with ophthalmoplegia at initial presentation, ocular motility recovered completely in 77 percent and incomplete recovery was found in 23 percent. At the final examination, sensory strabismus developed in 42 percent after an average follow-up of 2.5 years.
Conclusions: Ophthalmoplegia frequently occurs after iatrogenic occlusion of the ophthalmic artery and its branches caused by cosmetic facial filler injection. Ocular motility recovers spontaneously in most patients. However, as most patients are blind, sensory strabismus may develop in nearly half of patients during follow-up that requires strabismus surgery.
Clinical question/level of evidence: Risk, IV.