Micro-optical Components for Bioimaging on Tissues, Cells and Subcellular Structures

Micromachines (Basel). 2019 Jun 19;10(6):405. doi: 10.3390/mi10060405.


Bioimaging generally indicates imaging techniques that acquire biological information from living forms. Among different imaging techniques, optical microscopy plays a predominant role in observing tissues, cells and biomolecules. Along with the fast development of microtechnology, developing miniaturized and integrated optical imaging systems has become essential to provide new imaging solutions for point-of-care applications. In this review, we will introduce the basic micro-optical components and their fabrication technologies first, and further emphasize the development of integrated optical systems for in vitro and in vivo bioimaging, respectively. We will conclude by giving our perspectives on micro-optical components for bioimaging applications in the near future.

Keywords: bioimaging; in vitro; in vivo; micro-optics; microelectromechanical systems (MEMS); microtechnology.

Publication types

  • Review